Our Year In The End

So here we are… 2019 has come to a close and 2020 is here.

LLA New Year 2020

2019 marks many experiences, changes and accomplishments for our team’s personal and professional lives. Together we finished the year feeling confident, satisfied, accomplished, grateful and blessed. Yes, we work hard to serve our clients and nurture our business, but we also feed and water our personal lives and relationships. Keeping our tanks full is essential for each of us. We all work hard to maintain work and home balance. As challenging as it may be, we are all determined to keep all balls in the air!

2019 had plenty of scene stealing headlines but we cannot let them over shadow our own contributions to story telling!
Granted, history was made when President Trump became our nations 3rd president to be impeached, yes, this is a big deal. We get it… and yes, the college admissions scandal was a pretty big deal, but we made our own newsworthy articles ourselves!

LL&A Headlines, Read All About It!

read all about it

A year of planning…

Did you think Justin and Hailey were the only couple to tie the knot this year? Well, our very own Sarah and Matt put a ring on it and strolled down the aisle in October too!

A year of anticipation…

Duchess Megan and Prince Harry are not the only ones to have had a baby boy, Lauren and Cody are expecting their very own bundle of joy in May of 2020.

A year of change…

Leslie’s “25 year old bundle of joy” son, Murphy landed his dream job in South Florida which has made for several fun trips to the Sunshine State getting him settled in with many more trips to come!

A year for learning something new…

Playing nurse was never a game Tammy was particularly good at as a little girl, but this year proved to be her year to learn. Luckily, she picked it up quickly and helped nurse two parents back to health.

A year of balance…

Dawn continues to balance her life here in Southern Indiana with her world in Fort Wayne where her two daughters, two son-in-laws and six grandchildren live.

A year of growth…

This was a year of growth for Whitley. Julia Roberts certainly has nothing on our adventurous girl. On a solo trip to Cabo to celebrate her 30 years of life, she ate and prayed the whole week long! Cheers to spiritual growth!

Together we each closed the year having planned, anticipated, changed, learned and balanced many aspects of our lives. Some things turned out as planned – others maybe not. Some changes we welcomed – others more unexpected. Lessons we learned were blessings and changes will always be just as the seasons change.

2019 Group Photo in Shop

Faith and love is the key to the LL&A team… time to unlock the door to 2020!!

Your friends at LL&A Interior Design

#indianagirls  #liveloveappreciate

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